Functional Departments

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Office of Education Inspectorate


Advise and assist the Rector in inspection, law enforcement and legislation

1. Inspect the implementation of laws and regulations on education and training, and other regulations issued by the University.

2. Act as a counselor for the Rector in legal issues related to the University's organization and operation, advise and organize the implementation of legal documents of the state on legislation.


1. Inspection

a. Inspect the implementation of regulations and policies on education.

b. Inspect the implementation of training missions, plans, programs; educational methods; training regulations, exam regulations; the granting of diplomas, certificates; the regulations on teaching syllabus, lectures; the assurance of other necessary conditions to ensure the quality of education.

c. Inspect the teaching performance of lecturers (class time; teaching contents, plans, programs). Examine the working regime of officials, lecturers and employees.

d. Implement training regulations: graduation exam and recognition.

đ. Assist the Rector to receive citizens, resolve complaints and denunciations related to education and training in accordance with the law.

e. Supervise the anti-corruption and thrift practice and anti-wastefulness in accordance with the law.

g. Assist the Rector to summarize practical experience in internal inspection; give advice on measures for the Rector to ensure the enforcement of education law, and propose the application of legal provisions on education.

h. Organize the implementation of inspection activities directed by the Rector within his responsibilities. During the inspection processes, if necessary, propose the Rector to mobilize relevant officials, lecturers and employees to ensure the task completion.

i. Perform other inspection tasks assigned by the Rector.

2. Legislation

a. Develop management documents related to the University's legislation work.

b. Research, propose and apply measures to improve the effectiveness of legislation work.

c. Assist the Rector in legal issues, protect the legitimate rights and interests of LHU, affiliated units, officials, lecturers, employees and students.

d. Coordinate with relevant units to organize the state's law dissemination and education; disseminate internal rules, regulations of LHU for officials, lecturers and employees; examine and supervise the implementation of legal education throughout the University. 

đ. Report the implementation of legislation work to the Rector and superior agencies as regulated.

e. Perform other tasks assigned by the Rector.


ThS. Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền

  • MA. Dao Thanh Mai
  • Manager

Contact Information

  • No. 10 Huynh Van Nghe, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province
  • Office: Ground floor - Building B (Campus 1)
  • Tel: (+84)2518.850.970
  • Email box:

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email:
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